on = 'playstation'; var $deviceNintendoDs = 'nitro'; var $deviceNintendo = 'nintendo'; var $deviceWii = 'wii'; var $deviceXbox = 'xbox'; var $deviceArchos = 'archos'; var $engineOpera = 'opera'; //Popular browser var $engineNetfront = 'netfront'; //Common embedded OS browser var $engineUpBrowser = 'up.browser'; //common on some phones var $engineOpenWeb = 'openweb'; //Transcoding by OpenWave server var $deviceMidp = 'midp'; //a mobile Java technology var $uplink = 'up.link'; var $engineTelecaQ = 'teleca q'; //a modern feature phone browser var $devicePda = 'pda'; //some devices report themselves as PDAs var $mini = 'mini'; //Some mobile browsers put 'mini' in their names. var $mobile = 'mobile'; //Some mobile browsers put 'mobile' in their user agent strings. var $mobi = 'mobi'; //Some mobile browsers put 'mobi' in their user agent strings. //Use Maemo, Tablet, and Linux to test for Nokia's Internet Tablets. var $maemo = 'maemo'; var $linux = 'linux'; var $qtembedded = 'qt embedded'; //for Sony Mylo and others var $mylocom2 = 'com2'; //for Sony Mylo also //In some UserAgents, the only clue is the manufacturer. var $manuSonyEricsson = "sonyericsson"; var $manuericsson = "ericsson"; var $manuSamsung1 = "sec-sgh"; var $manuSony = "sony"; var $manuHtc = "htc"; //Popular Android and WinMo manufacturer //In some UserAgents, the only clue is the operator. var $svcDocomo = "docomo"; var $svcKddi = "kddi"; var $svcVodafone = "vodafone"; //Disambiguation strings. var $disUpdate = "update"; //pda vs. update //************************** //The constructor. Allows the latest PHP (5.0+) to locate a constructor object and initialize the object. function __construct() { $this->uagent_info(); } //************************** //The object initializer. Initializes several default variables. function uagent_info() { $this->useragent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])?strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']):''; $this->httpaccept = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])?strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']):''; //Let's initialize some values to save cycles later. $this->InitDeviceScan(); } //************************** // Initialize Key Stored Values. function InitDeviceScan() { global $isIphone, $isAndroidPhone, $isTierTablet, $isTierIphone; //We'll use these 4 variables to speed other processing. They're super common. $this->isIphone = $this->DetectIphoneOrIpod(); $this->isAndroidPhone = $this->DetectAndroidPhone(); $this->isTierIphone = $this->DetectTierIphone(); $this->isTierTablet = $this->DetectTierTablet(); //Optional: Comment these out if you don't need them. global $isTierRichCss, $isTierGenericMobile; $this->isTierRichCss = $this->DetectTierRichCss(); $this->isTierGenericMobile = $this->DetectTierOtherPhones(); } //************************** //Returns the contents of the User Agent value, in lower case. function Get_Uagent() { return $this->useragent; } //************************** //Returns the contents of the HTTP Accept value, in lower case. function Get_HttpAccept() { return $this->httpaccept; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is an iPhone. function DetectIphone() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceIphone) > -1) { //The iPad and iPod Touch say they're an iPhone. So let's disambiguate. if ($this->DetectIpad() == $this->true || $this->DetectIpod() == $this->true) return $this->false; //Yay! It's an iPhone! else return $this->true; } else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is an iPod Touch. function DetectIpod() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceIpod) > -1) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is an iPad tablet. function DetectIpad() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceIpad) > -1 && $this->DetectWebkit() == $this->true) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is an iPhone or iPod Touch. function DetectIphoneOrIpod() { //We repeat the searches here because some iPods may report themselves as an iPhone, which would be okay. if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceIphone) > -1 || stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceIpod) > -1) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects *any* iOS device: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad. function DetectIos() { if (($this->DetectIphoneOrIpod() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectIpad() == $this->true)) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects *any* Android OS-based device: phone, tablet, and multi-media player. // Also detects Google TV. function DetectAndroid() { if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceAndroid) > -1) || ($this->DetectGoogleTV() == $this->true)) return $this->true; //Special check for the HTC Flyer 7" tablet if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceHtcFlyer) > -1)) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is a (small-ish) Android OS-based device // used for calling and/or multi-media (like a Samsung Galaxy Player). // Google says these devices will have 'Android' AND 'mobile' in user agent. // Ignores tablets (Honeycomb and later). function DetectAndroidPhone() { if (($this->DetectAndroid() == $this->true) && (stripos($this->useragent, $this->mobile) > -1)) return $this->true; //Special check for Android phones with Opera Mobile. They should report here. if (($this->DetectOperaAndroidPhone() == $this->true)) return $this->true; //Special check for the HTC Flyer 7" tablet. It should report here. if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceHtcFlyer) > -1)) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is a (self-reported) Android tablet. // Google says these devices will have 'Android' and NOT 'mobile' in their user agent. function DetectAndroidTablet() { //First, let's make sure we're on an Android device. if ($this->DetectAndroid() == $this->false) return $this->false; //Special check for Opera Android Phones. They should NOT report here. if ($this->DetectOperaMobile() == $this->true) return $this->false; //Special check for the HTC Flyer 7" tablet. It should NOT report here. if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceHtcFlyer) > -1)) return $this->false; //Otherwise, if it's Android and does NOT have 'mobile' in it, Google says it's a tablet. if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->mobile) > -1) return $this->false; else return $this->true; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is an Android OS-based device and // the browser is based on WebKit. function DetectAndroidWebKit() { if (($this->DetectAndroid() == $this->true) && ($this->DetectWebkit() == $this->true)) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is a GoogleTV. function DetectGoogleTV() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceGoogleTV) > -1) return $this->true; else return $this- Pszczynska.pl – Pszczyński Dziennik Internetowy

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